Thursday, February 9, 2023


Catastrophe round the scope of things.

Why do they kill us?, most human inventions are dangerous, killing those that they are supposed to help? Mysterious deaths,witchcraft stories trail the building of roads and bridges in africa? Scene of an aircraft crash is life affecting:human bodies scattered and littering the area in a gory picture. heads there, legs over there, intestines and the rest scattered around. 

Human bodies crushed to pieces,lives wasted! Destinies terminated! So where is gods hand in this? A close study of most scientific inventors shows that many of them tangoed with occult sciences having to do with old practices of the white house of karnak.imhotep is considered as the best ever civil engineer, right  from the days of pharoanic Egypt.

He is  the engineering mind behind the intricate building of the mind-pogglin pyramid, till date, scientist and researcher are still wondering how this man in an era, where there was no engine power vehicle (cranes) succeeded in having cut pieces of rocks transported from the quarries, kilometres away to  the sight where the Egyptians grave yard were built. It brings up some suspicion and allegation and of  super natural power and energy.

Studies in some historical documents, show that if pyramids were built today, there will need seven cranes to lift one cube of rock among thousand  used the build the pyramid it should be noted that all over the world, the only location where such technological prowesses have been achieved are the ruins of chichen itza of the pre colombia azteca in the rain forest of Mexico republic.

At this juncture, can you say that great technical prowesses are associated with Occultic practice, due to the damages caused to human life in the use of such? ; Car crash, train crash, electric shocks, radioactive pollution, nuclear plants catastrophe.

-Alain Gerard-

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